1. In the plenary inspiration of Scripture.
2. In the absolute Trinity of the eternal Godhead. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
3. In the pre-existence and deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.
4. In the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit.
5. In the vicarious atonement through the death and resurrection of our Lord.
6. In complete salvation by grace through faith.
7. In the life of holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.
8. In water baptism by immersion.
9. In the observance of the Lord’s Supper.
10. In tithing as God’s financial plan for the church.
11. In the Bible revelation of Divine healing.
12. In the personal Baptism of the Holy Spirit as received by the Apostles.
13. In the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
14. In the Church, which is the Body of Christ composed of spirit-filled Believers.
15. In a four-fold ministry to the Church for the perfecting of the Saints.
16. In the Bride of Christ which is composed of Overcomers out of the Body of the Church.
17. In the personal and imminent return of our Lord.
18. In the everlasting punishment of the impenitent.
19. In eternal life for all true Believers.
20. In the millennial reign of Christ.