Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wake Up Uriah!

The Hour is come and power of darkness. This is the hour of great conspiracy. This is the hour of self gain. This is the hour of self promotion.
When The Leadership Becomes Corrupt
Who would have ever thought that a man after God's own heart would conspire and have a man killed to cover up his own sin? When even the Lord's greatest men fail, we must retain our integrity. Even though David had become lukewarm and ended up sinning and trying to cover up his sin with murder, Uriah retained his integrity. In this wicked and evil hour in which even the leadership of God's kingdom are becoming lukewarm, we must be like Uriah in the since that we cannot be affected by this spirit of lethargy that is coming into the Kingdom of God. The Scriptures are very plain concerning David and where he was supposed to be. The Scriptures tell us that it was the time when kings go forth to battle. This is when king David became lukewarm. Let us never get our eyes on people and even God's leaders. We must always keep our eyes on Christ. Remember David's downward spiral began when he was becoming lukewarm. This is a great man that loved to lead His men into battle. What happened to David? I believe David got tired. He simply got tired. David was always going! From his youth up as a man after God's own heart, David was a man on the move for God. However we see David in a moment of weakness. He let up his guard for just a moment and Satan went for the kill! We cannot even take our guards down for a second. We are not on the victory side yet! We are in enemy territory people! The world is God's enemy and should be our enemy. We can take them captive by the grace of God and win them to Christ as prisoners of war, however let us ever think that the world is our friends.
Trusting In God Only, Not Even In Greatest of Men
Uriah thought David would never do anything to harm him, he never thought for a second that David would conspire against him. Do you realize that Uriah carried in his hand the very letter and message that was to have him killed? The very instructions Uriah carried faithfully but blindly to His own destruction. How come Uriah did not pick up on the fact that David was acting strange? How come Uriah did not wonder why David was not leading the battle? In fact how come Joab and the other men did not wonder why David was not leading the battle as he always did. Remember David was not the type to take up the back of the line when going into battle. He hastened to the fight with Goliath. In other words he did not wait for Goliath to come to him, he ran towards Goliath! Now we see David is not leading the battle he also is not even with them at all in the battle. I think most likely Joab and the others including Uriah all must have thought to themselves "Where is the King?" "How come He is not leading us today?" But you see it was dangerous to question the king. In fact if you even mentioned to someone "Where is the king?" to Joab or the other men you could be killed. Always remember that respect is a must and absolutely a must, however when it comes to things that are not right we must always be concerned even if it costs us our lives. Uriah stood his ground to the king of Israel and said NO! I will not do this thing you have asked me to do. Was Uriah being rebellious? No! He was being a real man. Real men will give their very lives for the cause of good over evil. In this hour we must not trust in any man and yes even God's true leaders. This is not teaching rebellion as some might think this is what the Bible says. Are we supposed to blindly follow even true men of God? Remember this is your soul we are talking about here. Even as the Government of the United States of America is supposed to follow the Constitution of the United States and must stay within the confines of it's governing laws, checks and balances, this was put into place to protect the people from the Government. So must also the Kingdom of God operate. The Ministers are never to lord their God given authority over God's people, but  to build up and encourage them. If a man of God is discouraging the people then it's up to the people to find out why. The minster of the Gospel is never set by God as a dictatorship over God's people. He is a Servant of the Lord. He is to be within the governing checks and balances put forth by God's word.

Jer 17:5 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
Pro 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

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