Saturday, October 16, 2010

Following For The Fishes And Loaves

Just as the multitudes followed Jesus for only the monetary gain (fishes and loaves) so today they are still following only for the same reason. This article is not to offend however I am certain it will offend many, it's not my intention to offend deliberately. Let's face it though the majority do not want to hear the Truth today. They followed Jesus for the miracles of healing and deliverance from sicknesses but they did not want to hear about how they could be free from sin. Sin is the problem in the world today and Jesus is the answer.

Sin is the destroying force that very few want to talk about. Some will talk about religion however only on a nonchalant level. But to talk about being free from the cancer of sin is the furthest thing from their minds. It is my objective to get the reader to THINK. I am not interested in giving people an emotional feeling so they can feel good about themselves, it's my objective to stop the reader in their tracks if at possible and get them to really to THINK! If Jesus were on the earth today and He was working miracles, would you follow for the miracles or would you follow because you wanted to know Him?

Even the majority of the Church (world) today does not have a living experience of knowing Jesus Christ. They have a form of religion but that about as far as they will go. Jesus did not say the religious would go to heaven, He said the born again would. Joh 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. He said many would say unto Him on that day Lord, Lord. Mat 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? Jesus said, Many not few would call him Lord but did they know Him? Apparently not. Jesus said, I NEVER KNEW YOU.

They offered him lip service but their hearts were far from Him. Even Judas offered Jesus lip service. Judas kissed Jesus to give the Roman soldiers a sign who Jesus was, so they could arrest him. You see lip service will ultimately end in betrayal of the Son of God.

Life is more than about just money is it not? If money is the focus of our happiness then that's only temporal and will leave us when money is not there. What is true happiness? I leave you with this question to ponder. Are you truly happy? If so, why? Again, are you truly happy? Allow the light of the His word to work in your hearts. Let the light of this article come into your heart and expose your true motives. Remember it's the Truth that makes you free!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Almost Persuaded But Deceived By Virtual Reality

Join me as we do a drill down of several words to get a proper understanding of the meaning behind the words Virtual Reality.

We read in the Scripture about a certain king in the Scripture, his name Agrippa. On one occasion he said unto the Apostle Paul, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian." Like king Agrippa, their are many in the valley of decision. In fact the Scripture says, "multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision." You might have found the title to this article interesting, and with good reason. When I looked up this word "Virtual" I found that it was a Greek word meaning "ALMOST". Virtual (Latin virtusGreek ἀρετή "arete") is moral excellence. A virtue is a trait or quality deemed to be morally excellent and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Now lets look at the word "almost". The word "Almost" means In set theory, when dealing with sets of infinite size, the term almost or nearly is used to mean all the elements except for finitely many.
In other words, an infinite set S that is a subset of another infinite set L, is almost L if the subtracted set L\S is of finite size. Now lets look at the word "theory." To do this we will have to look at the contrast for the word "FACTS". But before we do that we will need to understand what a fact is. The word fact can refer to verified information about past or present circumstances or events which are presented as objective reality. In science, it means a provable concept. What this is saying is that a theory is not a fact it's "ALMOST" factual but it's not. In other words it misses the mark. A fact can be proven, but a theory cannot be. It's always evolving and changing. Remember what Jesus said, I am the same today, yesterday and forever." God says "I change not." So what man basis his reality on is aways changing and evolving. No certain destination. How would you like to go on a trip or vacation and the pilot speaks up over the intercom and says, we will be landing NEVER? This is basically what man is doing. Ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden, man has been a vagabond with no certain destination. Remember at the beginning of this article I said Virtual meant to miss the mark? Did you know that the word Hamartiology (Greek: ἁμαρτία, hamartia, "missing the mark," "sin," + -λογια, -logia, "sayings" or "discourse") is the branch of Christian theology, more specifically, systematic theology, which is the study of sin with a view to articulating a doctrine of it. So in conclusion everyone that is living in virtual reality is living in sin. The wages of payment for sin is DEATH. Pay day is coming! The Lord says "I set before you Life and Death, choose LIFE!