Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bear Ye One Anothers Burdens

Dear Brother's and Sister's in the Lord,
Just because we in America have it so easy, does not mean that our brothers and sisters around the world do. Please continue to pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Iran and abroad.
Gal 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

May The Lord Bless you richly with His Grace In All Things,


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fast And Pray For Iranian Pastor

Greetings In the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ,
Myself and daughters are skipping a meal for the Iranian Pastor and would like to invite anyone else that would like to join us. He is supposed to be executed as early as today! Let us pray that God will get all the glory. You can learn more about his witness and why they have sentenced him to death below.
Your Brother In Christ Jesus our Lord,

Friday, September 2, 2011

Is The Dumb Ass Speaking Again?


2Pe 2:16  But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.


Not sure if Glenn Beck is the dumb ass or the prophet full of madness. He is not alone though. There are many in this category these days. It seems that God Almighty is using every dumb ass possible to speak to this generation. Within Glenn Beck's latest speech he says, and I quote "Irene is a blessing from God". How could Irene or any storm for that matter be a blessing from God? Extreme situations call for extreme measures. God has always used suffering to wake people up. Should the citizens of the United States be any different?


Without question God is merciful. Again He is using the Dumb Asses in this hour. Is anyone hearing God's voice through this? I do not believe Glenn Beck is a saved, blood washed child of God. This is why I say he is in the category of a dumb ass. We read in the Scripture that God is willing that none should perish, be lost in Hell for eternity. Without question He proved this by sending His only Son to be crucified for the sins of the whole world. It seems that the Lord is pulling out all stops and now speaking through the Dumb Asses in this hour. Who are these Dumb Asses speaking to?


Notice the Scripture above. The crazed prophet was disobedient to God and wanted to

curse God's people and would have, if God had let him. However God intervened and the Angel of the Lord was standing in the pathway of the disobedient prophet. The donkey would not go forward and the prophet became angry and began to beat the donkey. After the crazed prophet had smitten the poor donkey the third time God opened the animals mouth and allowed her to give the prophet a piece of her mind. Hear what she had to say, "What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?


Then the crazy prophet began to have a conversation with a donkey! "Because thou hast mocked me: I would there were a sword in mine hand, for now would I kill thee. Then the donkey answered back again, "Am not I thine ass, upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? was I ever wont to do so unto thee? And he said, Nay. 


Now something amazing happens! God opens the prophet's eyes to see what the dumb ass was already seeing. When Balaam saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the pathway with his sword drawn, he fell down flat on his face and repented.


In conclusion:


If you would like you can go on and read how this ends. Numbers 22:31- However the point that the writer wanted to get across is that we need an intervention from God if we are going to see a real revival in America! Will you pray for true revival?