Monday, March 19, 2012

Cured of Cancer


Cured of Cancer
A BBC Report

In September 2003 Felicity Corbin-Wheeler was given between five weeks and six months to live with pancreatic cancer. Now fully recovered, she attributes her cure to vitamin B17 and her Christian faith. Michelle Moffat went to meet her.

In September 2003 Felicity Corbin-Wheeler was struck down, literally overnight, with terminal pancreatic cancer and given less than six months to live. The story of her recovery, based on vitamin B17 and her Christian faith, is the stuff of miracles.

Felicity is just one of thousands people who are claiming that vitamin B17, extracted from seeds and kernels such as those found in apricots, is a God-given cure for cancer first described in the book of Genesis.

Talking Faith with Felicity

MM: Can you tell me a little about the background to your faith and how it's been part of your life and when perhaps first you felt that you had a calling to follow God?

FCW: Yes I'd always been a Christian and my father had been a Church Warden for many years in South Africa, and again in London. I have been a member of this church [Gouray] for 30 years and decided to become a Reader and train for full time ministry which I'm now doing and really feel that my life is being fulfilled in a way that it's never been fulfilled before. I think that a large part of that was doing the Alpha course through Holy Trinity Brompton, in London, which was my London Church while we were living over there.

MM: When we start this story about your health and what happened to you in recent years, you say it starts with a service that you held here at Gouray in 2003. Can you tell me a little bit about that service?

FCW: Yes, but before that I'll tell you about my daughter, Melanie, who died of cancer at the age of 20. She'd just gone to London University, and she got cancer and was dead within 16 months, despite all that orthodox medicine could do for her. Her stone is right outside here at this Church. I was fired up after that to think that there must be a better way of treating cancer and so I did two nutrition courses; one in London and one in San Diego in America, and I came to realise that there was a great deal of sense in the simple nutrition that we learn about basically in God's word because in Genesis 1:29 the Lord God says, "I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it, they will be yours for food."

And the more that I got into nutrition, I realised that we have to get back to very basic food and fruit and vegetables and the seeds thereof, which are so important. There has been a grape cancer cure for many years which has been based on the seeds in the grapes and of course we're now growing seedless grapes and we tend to throw away the pips in our apples and this is actually how we're throwing away the very seeds that God has told us in Genesis 1:29 that we need for our health.

MM: You had already chosen a lifestyle of being a vegetarian and not drinking any alcohol, and that very much reflects what Adam and Eve would have eaten as the Bible tells it Genesis. How did that decision come about for you?

FCW: I just felt better when I was living on fruit and vegetables and water, and there's a precedent for that in the Bible as well. Daniel had this wonderful diet when they were in exile and Daniel and his friends were supposed to eat the King's diet of rich food and wine. In fact they said that they would maintain their own diet and that after a few weeks that King could judge who was fitter, and in fact Daniel and his friends came out much fitter than the ones who were eating the rich food.

MM: So at the time you became ill, you were eating a good diet, you weren't drinking; when did you start feeling that perhaps something was wrong with your health?

FCW: Well we did a service here for Bible Society almost exactly a year ago, 6th of September 2003, and I was fine, we had a wonderful service. I just brought a film back from the Holy Land, it was a film about our Judaic heritage in the Christian Church, so I had people from every denomination here. It was just a wonderful service and we preached on the Word of God, we showed the film of the Holy Land, and it was a terrific move of God. I think that God enjoyed it but the devil didn't. The next day I was hit with tremendous pain in the solar plexus, like a killer blow. The day after that I was yellow all over. I was in terrific pain from one side of my body to the other but it was centred on the midriff. And so I went to my doctor who looked at me, examined me and said, "I think we have a major problem here." I said "Well do you think it's cancer?" and he said "Well, only a scan will tell."

The next day I had a scan, it was in fact cancer, there was a huge tumour, I have the x-rays here to show you with the tumour, so I went to London to King Edward VII Hospital, and I was in that hospital a week. At the end of all the examinations they said that there was absolutely no hope and that I had about five weeks to six months at the most to live with pancreatic cancer. And I have found that the people who had pancreatic cancer when I did, have now all died. I am the only one who has survived and who is also looking better than I've looked for a long time.
MM: Well you certainly look extremely well. Now many people who are struck down with what they are told, or is diagnosed as a terminal illness, often actually turn round and feel and anger towards God. Now your reaction has been entirely opposite, how do you come to that position of saying, "I'm not going to accept this and God is going to heal me"?
FCW: Well the first thing I did was to say the Gethsemane prayer, in which Jesus says to God that His will be done and whether I was going to die or live I knew that I was in God's hands. In fact I was never so glad to be a Christian. Because we know that through the blood of Jesus we do have atonement and that we can live forever with God, so I felt that I had his salvation whether I died and if I was going to be miraculously healed that would be of His Will as well. In Malachi 4:2 it says "For those that revere My name, the Son of Righteousness will appear with healing in His wings" and I just felt entirely at rest, people just couldn't understand why I was so calm and why I was so positive because I just felt all along that God has His hand on this. And having seen Melanie die of cancer I thought that it was another Satanic attack on the Church, as we know there are many attacks on the Church and I just felt that God was going to prove something out of this and I just completely surrendered to him and said "His will be done."
MM: Can you explain exactly how this B17 remedy that you were given, how it's received and how you take it?
FCW: Well Emmy Wilson told me that I should really go to Mexico because there is a Christian Cancer Hospital there called the Oasis of Hope where 150,000 people have been cured from cancer. And the reason it's in Mexico is that it's unorthodox medicine; you must understand that there is consensus medicine as to how people should be treated for cancer, at the moment that is surgery; radiotherapy and chemotherapy, these things do have their limitations, because if cancer is a deficiency disease, as is the theory of B17, then when we're low on B17, then we're not going to be cured of it. You might cut a cancer out, or you might irradiate it and burn it up, or you might poison it, but if the body is still deficient in B17 that cancer will return sooner or later, in another form.
MM: Now B17, as you say, consensus medicine has almost entirely rejected. There is a huge fuss about this internationally and certainly there is a large body of people on the internet who are claiming that it is the thing that we need to be looking at now. Why do you think it's been so subverted?
FCW: Well I have read two very interesting books on B17, one is called World Without Cancer by Edward Griffin and one is by Philip Day, Cancer: Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth. And the truth seems to be that there is a vast amount of money, they say $85 billion a year made out of the cytotoxic chemicals that are put in chemotherapy. Because there's so much money being made out of it they actually fund a lot of the cancer research and the Oncology chairs of the Professors throughout the world, and it's not the fault of our doctors, because our doctors have been trained in how to try to take care of cancer in orthodox means and they do not know the natural means; they're afraid of doing it. We also live in a very litigious society and doctors are afraid of being sued if they try something natural and they haven't given the patient what they think is the benefit of all the orthodox treatments available.
MM: B17 is present in a great number of very natural foods, actually I take a B vitamin supplement and I looked on the jar this morning before I came to see you and B17 isn't present in that. It seems to have been very much put aside and it's also documented that there are people who've been saying that this is a cure for cancer and they're now actually in jail for various reasons. What's your reaction to that?
FCW: Well if you look back in history you'll see that vitamin C, which we now all take, was discredited very much, there was a man called Linus Pauling who really did the first research on Vitamin C. And we now know that without Vitamin C we can die of scurvy, in fact a million British sailors did die of scurvy back in history. It was only when they started taking limes on board with them that they discovered that the sailors who took the limes and the lime juice actually did not get the scurvy when the rest of the sailors did. It took 300 years for the truth to actually come out.
I believe that cancer is a deficiency disease. I know that for myself a few weeks ago I had a bit more pain back in my pancreas because the tumour is still there. The whole essence of B17 is that it shrinks the tumour right down and the tumour stays as a vaccination in the body against further attacks of cancer. So when I had more pain I just took more B17 and it has completely gone again. So it proves to me again and again that this is right, and I'm the only one surviving after just a year now.
MM: All through your illness and through your recovery your faith has been a huge part of this and B17 has been a huge part too. How would you say the two have combined together to bring you to where you are today?
FCW: Well I think that we have to live in the Word of God and that I know was just the most tremendous support to me. Psalm 103 was just constantly with me "I am the Lord God who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. Your youth and your strength will be renewed like the eagles'." I just knew that God was going to do something really good.
MM: You talk a lot about 'God-incidence', you clearly believe that God's been working all the way through this, is that a phrase you've come up with yourself?
FCW: Well I think it's a phrase probably God has given me because people were talking about coincidences like me going back to Holy Trinity Brompton, and the fact that Emmy Wilson was the one pastor who prayed for me in there out of many pastors, Nicky Gumble was standing there, but Emmy was the one who happened to know about the B17 and that was a God-incidence and there have just been so many in my life through this cure that I just feel that life is full of God incidences. In life there are many coincidences, but I believe they're God-incidences.
MM: Now all through you've very much sort of turned against, had a great determination that death was not going to claim you and that you had work still to do. How do you feel your ministry is now directed, given that you've had this great reprieve?
FCW: Well we're all going to die, you know that's the thing, I've been healed for another few years and God may allow me to live until I'm great in years, as the Bible says, but the whole point of Christianity is that through Christ we do have eternal life and so death is just part of that; I'm not at all afraid of death.
BBC Jersey,

Further Resources
Need good, solid information on cancer and what to do about it? Take the two excellent book tours below.

Cancer: Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth by Phillip Day
Great News on Cancer in the 21st Century by Steven Ransom
Also, B17 Metabolic Therapy compiled by Phillip Day

Click here to purchase or review any of the above. 
Click here for telephone sales around the world. 
Click here if you wish to contact Credence for information on treatment options or resources.

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